PRIMUM ESSE runs a range of projects for identifying executive, specialist and personnel potential: we assess competencies, assist companies in developing and implementing assessment methodologies, consult specialists on using the created or purchased tools.
Unique sets of instruments are designed so that in your organization you have every opportunity to take informed and professional decisions about people, appropriately assess and realize the potential that employees possess.
Competency assessment can be of considerable relevance to organizations in the following areas:
- Talent management (internal and external personnel selection, career planning, etc.)
- Changes, reorganization (redefining roles, establishing centers of excellence)
- Assessing managerial potential (executive search, reserve planning, appointing managers)
- Designing and running development programs
Personnel competency assessment services:
Personnel and executive competency assessment projects of different format and scope (tests, practical tasks, interviews, etc.)
Comprehensive and complex competency assessment for executives and specialists.
Assessment of managerial and general competencies based on feedback from various sources of information.
We come to your help in creating and improving organizational competence assessment processes, tools and methods.
We represent the Swedish company ASSESSIO, distribute their copyrighted psychological e-tests in Lithuania. Provide trainings how to use and interpret them.
Competence assessment based on one of the latest theories on leadership and organizational development. We assess managers and teams as well as consult them.